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Have you ever watched a child playing barefoot on the beach, moving effortlessly between crouching and standing, belly moving freely as they laugh or yell without strain? No hunched shoulders, constricted voices, achy necks or backs. I will guide you to peel away the layers that a lifetime of stressors imposes on body, voice, and mind, and
help you reconnect to your body’s organic function and innate impulse towards health.

What is The Body Sings℠?


The Body Sings is designed for singers, voice teachers, speech pathologists, actors, or anyone 

who seeks a free and resilient body and voice. 

Areas explored include: basic anatomy and 

biomechanics; postural assessment and dynamic alignment; releasing the muscles that restrict and inhibit our instrument, and strengthening those that support it; use of imagery and enhanced somatic awareness; optimizing the breathing mechanism; and connecting the breath to sound and fully embodied singing. 


The Body Sings℠ offers several options:



All inclusive 3-day course


Master classes or group workshops

Tailored to the group’s specific needs


Private instruction 

In home, studio, or online




                       For inquiries or scheduling:                              

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"I had my first Facetime session with Suzan Postel today, and I can not say enough good things about working with her! Her work embodies the whole philosophy behind Somatic Re-education of the body   and the connection among body, mind and heart. 

Highly recommend!"


 - Cate Frazier-Neely, Former President, MD/DC Chapter of National Association of Teachers of Singing

Click below for the LoVetri Institute Newsletter feature:

  Demonstrating lateral rib breathing at the Somatic Voicework™ Certification Program.

"The Body Sings: Deepening the Somatic Experience" 

Post-graduate course for certified graduates of Jeanette LoVetri's

   " Somatic Voicework™ The LoVetri Method" ,   hosted by the

2015 CCM Vocal Pedagogy Institute at Shenandoah Conservatory. 

© 2015 Suzan Postel's The Body Sings

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