The Body Sings

“Suzan is a maestro of the body. She is a careful, traditionally trained yet innovative Pilates instructor possessed
of so much skill and knowledge that she seems to see every nuance and know a way to work with it or around it.
Highly trained and personally accomplished, I feel like my Skype hour with her is a visit to the best personalized
body-spa appointment.” - LahLife.com, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner
"Suzan is not just good at what she does, she is exceptional. As a senior citizen with spinal injuries and chronic pain, I’ve had many Pilates teachers, trainers and physical therapists, and I can say with confidence that Suzan is unique in her approach, her skill and her caring. She approaches a client holistically, always conscious of the connection between the mind and the body and its processes. She demonstrates enormous sensitivity to the subtlest of changes which may take place during and between sessions, and she adjusts to your needs rather than following a rote approach to traditional Pilates. She uses her outstanding intelligence to create imagery and verbal cues which integrate your movements, your breath, and your mindset. In addition, Suzan is an extraordinarily nice human being - a combination all too rare in these times." - Melvin B., Executive VP
“The Body Sings℠ was a revelation for me. It was the first time I had even thought about certain parts of my body.
It was healing, transformational, and I hope to do it again. As a vocalist with a vocal fold injury, it has been a difficult journey to learn how to have fun again, to explore, to believe, to feel empowered. This course helped me to do all of
that and more. It was an opportunity for me to come home into myself and have the courage to start to really sing again, this time with the idea that my body is my instrument and if I listen to her I can learn all her secrets. I highly recommend individual and group lessons with Suzan Postel. The work is transformative and the teacher embodies the healing wisdom from both a scientific and intuitive perspective.” - Khepe-Ra Maat-Het-Heru
"I had a Skype session with Suzan the day before I was going into the recording studio, and she enabled me to breathe far freer and open up my entire mechanism, which made a huge difference in my singing that day (and every day since!). I wasn't sure how Suzan was going to work her magic via Skype, but she really does. Amazingly enough, you don't need
to be in LA to work with her! Lucky us!" - Jocelyn Medina, recording artist, faculty New York Jazz Workshop
"Suzan has been my Pilates 'guru' for 10 years. When we met I was plagued with issues from years of playing tennis. Suzan patiently introduced me to her unique approach to the Pilates method, and I haven't had back pain in years! We started on the machines and then moved to private mat lessons in my apartment. Whatever is my issue of the day, Suzan always has a solution, whether it is sinuses, tight hamstrings, stiff neck, or just life. We even maintained sessions when I had a broken foot, broken toe, and sprained wrist! Sadly for me, Suzan moved to LA, but we've continued working on Skype and it has been a great success! And, she loves my labradoodle almost as much as I do." - Nancy Robin
"I've been working with Suzan via Skype for a little over a year. I was surprised by Suzan’s ability to see exactly what my body needs through the computer screen. She is so attuned and her awareness is so very deep that it feels like she is right next to me guiding me through movements of both strengthening and release. When I began working with Suzan I had chronic pain that had become acute. During our sessions I experienced the release and vitality my body had been craving during the daily grind of life, and she has given me the tools to access that on my own. This new awareness is one of the many life changing benefits Suzan has given me, always with kindness, compassion, and patience." - Jill Jocelyn
"I learned so much in the course The Body Sings℠, and I've continued working with Suzan privately via FaceTime
and in person. I also referred my son, who's a violinist, and he was very pleased with the help she gave him with his performance related body issues. Suzan is not only very knowledgeable about how the body works, but she has a wonderful intuitive sense and curious intellect which help her zero in on what is going on in her client's body.
I recommend her highly!” - Sally Mote-Yaffe, Adjunct Voice Faculty Ohlone College
"Suzan's eye is kind but meticulous in addressing inefficiencies and engrained habits. She helped me become much more conscious about how I use my body on a day to day basis." - Kate McGarry, Grammy nominee - Best Jazz Vocal CD
"Although I was fortunate to receive some body work and voice work in college, Suzan enabled me to experience a much deeper heightened awareness and subsequent freedom. I did not expect to go into so much detail with the anatomy and physiology of our bodies, and yet her detailed approach was eye-opening! I still hear many of her prompts in my head, not only when I am singing, but also walking, jogging, climbing stairs, lifting an object or just my arms, for that matter! I do hope others will get to experience The Body Sings℠ in the future. Thank you, Jeanie LoVetri for discovering Suzan and making her available to us!" - Jennifer Suess
I had my first Facetime session with Suzan Postel today. I can not say enough good things about working with her --
and it has only been one session! Her work embodies the whole philosophy behind Somatic Re-education of the body and the connection among body, mind and heart. Highly recommend! Thank you, Suzan!"
- Cate Frazier-Neely, Former President, MD/DC Chapter of National Association of Teachers of Singing
"I must share how helpful Suzan has been for me over the past few months. The detailed work she has done with me to get at the root of my postural issues has opened up my voice immensely, as well as helped me to inhabit my body in a much more profound way. Good for singing, good for living! If you have not already done this work, chances are you could really use it!" - Joanna Chapman-Smith
"The Body Sings℠ was a Somatic experience in the true sense of the word. Suzan gave me an awareness of the connection of my breath with my body that I had never experienced before. She worked with us in a step by step way, slowly, carefully, and with great kindness and generosity of spirit, allowing each of us to find something important from within. It truly was body work from the inside, out." - Mark Hoeler Vocal Studio